Sponsor a Child

Doreen Abigael

18 years old, from Kenya

Doreen Abigael lives in one of the slums in Nairobi, Kenya with her mom and 4 siblings. Her mom is in poor health. She is weak and cannot work for long hours, nor engage in very tiring manual jobs due to her health condition. This makes getting basic needs for the children extremely difficult and schools fees for the children nearly impossible. Doreen Abigael will be going to high school next year, but this will only be possible if she gets a sponsor. Due to the dire conditions in the slums giving Doreen Abigael the chance to go to boarding school would grant her the opportunity to live on campus, have 3 meals a day at school, including weekends, and 24/7 support from teaching and support staff. Doreen Abigael's favorite subject in school is Science. When she finishes school she dreams of becoming a doctor.


Boarding School Sponsorship